A day ago there were bets being taken, even among Republicans, on just how long it would be until Sarah Palin was dropped from the ticket.  Would you like to know the question being bandied in those same circles right now (I kid you not)?

“Is it possible to flip the ticket?”

OH YOU DEMOCRATS HAVE SO MUCH TROUBLE IN THE COMING MONTHS.  GOD it feels so good to know that evil hasn’t completely done us in yet.  John McCain and Sarah America to the rescue!  Barry Obama and the Minions being pushed behind the velvet rope, placed around a red carpet they foolishly convinced themselves was put there for them!  America LIVES again!

I must credit Larry Kudlow with this one, though he may not be the one who originated it.  Simply, he called Sarah Palin “Sarah America”.  Altogether appropriate and I will begin calling her that on every suitable occasion.  SARAH AMERICA and THE WAR HERO…what an amazing story this is.  I’m anxious for my three-year-old to be old enough to hear it someday soon.  She’ll know who the characters are–they’ll still be President and VP when she’s reached the necessary age–but I get the great pleasure of telling her how they came to be the Dynamic Duo!


A random comment (by a guy named “RabidDem”) on a random blog:

I donated $1,000,000 and all I got was this lousy candidate


And another random comment, on the same blog post (discussing Obama’s increase in campaign contributions following Palin’s speech):

That’s GREAT!  Not only will the Dems be angry when Obama loses, they’ll be broke too!


 Blogger Jonah Goldberg had this to say regarding Sarah Palin, following her masterful speech:

“[Palin] was put on this earth to do two things: kill caribou and kick butt. She’s all out of caribou.”


Sarah Palin just finished her speech at the Republican National Convention.

This will be the shortest blog post I will ever make, because there is just nothing else that needs to be said EXCEPT THIS…

Liberal bloggers, well known (notorious?) for their exceeding tackiness and vile antics, will be posting as fast as their widdle disgusting fingers can type.  It is PANIC in the lib camp and the crap they’re about to spew is the most telling sign of this.

In the days to come I will post again because evil never sleeps and it is up to good people to defend the righteous–to defend America–but for today nothing more need be said.  Sarah Palin said it all, and I will add only one small observation…

This election is over.  John McCain is our next President.  We know it.  The Libs know it.  It’s done.